Monday, January 16, 2012

Trip to Brazil

I thought I'd try to become more comfortable with  creating and using Blogger. So here's my story about my upcoming trip to Brazil. My older brother Derek works for Global Environment Fund and travels all over the world for work. Two years ago, he was in Brazil for work and was lucky enough to be there at the same time as the wedding of some close friends of his when the girl of his dreams found him. Derek claims to have been merely enjoying time with friends at the wedding, not particularly looking for anyone special.  Erica's story goes like this...
Erica: "Who is the cute Gringo over there with those Thriller dance moves ?"
Groom's mom: "Oh I'll introduce you." (Mom grabs her arm and drags her over to cute Gringo.)
Groom's mom to cute Gringo: "Hello, my name is Elza. I'd like to introduce you to Erica." (Groom's mom departs and leaves Erica and cute Gringo to chat)

The rest is history! 

A little less than a year later, Erica and her Yorkie, Jimi Hendrix, move to the states to live with Derek. Seven months later, he proposes. A month later, they have a civil wedding at our home in Havana, IL. Now awaits a church wedding in her hometown of Aracatuba a few hours plane ride from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

My trip to Brazil will be at the end of June and I hope it will be the first of many trips down there to visit family, learn Portuguese, and site see!

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